Racism: it’s one of the byproducts you get when you employ far-left activists masquerading as career journalists into your establishment media conglomerate expecting them to appeal to a mass audience when in actuality it only appeals to the very vocal minority of people on social media.
On Saturday, MSNBC host Tiffany Cross went on a self-righteous rant about how white “Karens” need to “make a list for your white Santa and pray to your white Jesus for a life.”
The motivation for Cross’ racist rant was to target media personality Megyn Kelly, saying that Kelly specifically targets “black women.” Cross even went so far as to classify Kelly by her race while attempting call her out for some kind of racism.
“It’s no coincidence that Snow White and the Seven Dumb Takes she’s had recently overwhelmingly target black women,” Cross said of Kelly while pointing out her criticisms of “The 1619 Project’s Nikole Hannah-Jones, [kinda royal Meghan] Markle and Olympic hammer-thrower Gwen Berry,” according to the Daily Caller.
Unreal. Can you imagine the backlash if someone else called a black media personality “Black Panther?”
Because they call everything racist, the left doesn’t have to ability to recognize actual racism anymore.
Cross continued her rant against Kelly, who you don’t have to like to understand she was the clear target of Cross’ own racism, coming really close to threatening Kelly by speaking super-defensively about Kelly’s effort to ingratiate herself back into the right side of the political realm.
Kelly is really just trying to crawl her way back into social relevance and the hearts of Fox News viewers. When it comes to us, sister, stop punching above your weight. You keep asking for smoke that you don’t want. You want to act like a high school mean girl and you’ll get treated that way. Sit down and be humble. Let the grown women speak. You’re not invited to this table. You don’t have the range.
Cross really must see Kelly as a threat if she doesn’t even think that Kelly should have a platform to speak at all. She essentially was telling Kelly to know her place. Then again, Cross bases everything she does on identity politics, so you’ll have to excuse her lack of substantive arguments.
For the far-left, ad hominem attacks are where it’s at — especially in the absence of intelligence.
For video of Cross’ racist attack against Kelly and white women in general, watch below: