Principal of Special Needs School Caught Verbally Abusing Students

danjoseph | February 11, 2015

Bullying is a serious problem in schools across America.  But it's an even worse problem when the person doing the bullying is the principal of the school.  And it's even WORSE when the principal is physically and verbally bullying kids at a school for students with special needs.  

But that's exactly what Principal Kimberly Taylor of the Hilltop School in New York was caught doing when audio was discovered of expletive laden screeds and physical threats against the children at the school she heads.

The audio is difficult to listen to.  Taylor levels threats at students and includes one incident in which Taylor allegedly dragged a student in front of the school and called the student a "retard."

“This is a retard,” she can be heard saying. “How embarrassing, a disgusting embarrassment, get him the hell out of my sight.”

The audio was three years old and was captured by a teachers' assistant who has since been fired from Hilltop and is now suing the school to get his job back.

Kenneth Egan, the teacher in question, claims that Taylor physically abused students as well, and has seen her "grab," "throw," and "push" the very special needs students that she was charged to oversee.

As of now, nothing has been done to rectify the situation.

Hat Tip: Young Cons