A Porn Rag Publisher Is Offering $10 Million For Info to Impeach Trump

Brittany M. Hughes | October 16, 2017

Porn rag creator and accused child abuser Larry Flynt really, really hates Trump. And his latest move smells a lot like desperation.

According to this, the Hustler magazine publisher, known for peddling in porn pictures that somehow manage to make Playboy look like an ad for an up-scale boutique, took out a full-age ad in the Washington Post Sunday offering $10 million to anyone who comes forward with damning information that leads to Trump’s impeachment.

The 1-800 number attached to the ad goes to a hotline manned by a freelance staffer, who already told AdWeek he’s gotten “a lot of calls” and more than 150 emails, and that was nearly 24 hours ago.

Of course, Flynt is defending his decision by saying Trump’s election wasn’t legitimate, anyway – you know, Russians and all that.

“The attempt to impeach Donald Trump will strike many as a sour-grapes plot by the Democrats to overturn a legitimate election,” wrote Flynt, who is the founder, president and publisher of Larry Flynt Publications. “But there is a strong case to be made that the last election was illegitimate.”

In the ad, Flynt accuses Trump of eliciting illegal help from the Russians during the election, ignoring the impending “climate change apocalypse,” potentially starting a nuclear war, “gross nepotism,” lying, and – of course – being a racist. Here's the ad, in full:


Then again, why wouldn’t we take our ethics cues from a guy who makes a living off peddling porn videos and graphic photos of naked women, was accused by his own daughter of child sexual abuse, and who once called Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor a “token c***”?

(Cover photo: Gage Skidmore)