Pope Francis Praises Mothers as the 'Antidote' to Self-Centered Society

Monica Sanchez | January 9, 2015

According to CNA/EWTN News, Pope Francis praised mothers during his Jan. 7 general audience as the “key players in fighting against an individualistic, self-centered society.”

“To be a mother is a great treasure,” the first Jesuit pontiff in history said.

Mothers, in their unconditional and sacrificial love for their children, are the antidote to individualism; they are the greatest enemies against war.”

Pope Francis went on to comment on how even the Christian community is guilty of under-valuing the sacredness of motherhood.

“[Mothers] are often exploited because of their availability. Not even the Christian community values them properly, despite the eminent example of the Mother of Jesus.”

In his first general audience since Christmas vacation, Pope Francis emphasized how mothers play a vital role in helping society overcome its self-centered tendencies, just as the Blessed Virgin Mary gave of herself fully to the upbringing of her son.

“In this sense motherhood is more than childbearing,” Pope Francis explained.

“It is a life choice entailing sacrifice, respect for life, and commitment to passing on those human and religious values which are essential for a healthy society.”

The Roman pontiff concluded by asking those present to join him in thanking all mothers “for what they are and for all that they give to the Church and to our world.”

In the midst of all the chaos and ideological warfare currently underway—especially here at home, in France and the Middle East—the world could bear the reminder.