POLL: What Woman Would You Like to See On American Money?

danjoseph | April 9, 2015

Once again, a campaign is being waged to put a woman on US currency. Specifically the 20 dollar bill.

A website called "Women on $20s" has come up with a slate of candidates and is asking supporters to vote on one of four potential women to replace President Andrew Jackson. Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt and Cherokee Nation Chief Wilma Mankiller are the candidates on the ballot. The finalists were narrowed down from a list of 15 candidates that originally included Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm. (See where this is going?)

But MRCTV was way ahead of the game on this one.

Last year, we asked Americans--in person--if they'd like to see a woman on American currency and, if so, who their choice would be. Here's what happened:

We at MRCTV think the choices offered by "Women on 20s" are a bit too limited and ignore some great women in American history whose accomplishments deserve to be given a place on the ballot. So, here's our poll.

Tell us: If the twenty dollar bill is changed to feature the likeness of a woman, whose face would you like to see when you open your wallet? (Assuming the IRS hasn't already taken it from you.)

What Woman Would You Like to See On American Money?
Harriet Tubman
Eleanor Roosevelt
Rosa Parks
Wilma Mankiller
Sandra Day O'Connor
Betsy Ross
Margaret Sanger
Susan B. Anthony
Hillary Clinton (LOL)
Bradley (Chelsea) Manning
Phylis Schlafly
Dolley Madison
Martha Washington
Helen Keller
Sally Ride
Florence Nightingale
Nancy Reagan
Ella Fitzgerald
None of the Above
Poll Maker