Poll: Americans Feel Safer With a Gun at Home

Monica Sanchez | February 26, 2018

According to a new Rasmussen poll, most Americans (61%) say they feel safer knowing there’s a gun in their household.

Forty-four percent (44%) of respondents reported having a gun or having someone in their household who is a gun owner. Out of those respondents, 61 percent said they feel safer with a gun in the house, while only 4 percent said they feel less safe.

Thirty-five percent (35%) said having a gun in the house has no impact on their personal safety.

A recent Rasmussen poll also found that most Americans don't think stricter gun control laws with help decrease violent crime. 

The polls' findings come in the wake of the Florida school shooting.

President Trump has met with parents, students, teachers, law enforcement and governors on how to improve school safety. He plans to strengthen background checks for gun purchases, to raise the age to purchase a semi-automatic weapon to 21, and to put an end to the sale of bump stocks.

Trump has also suggested allowing teachers and faculty with special gun training and expertise to have a concealed firearm on school property in the case of an emergency.  

One Utah teacher has spoken out in support of concealed carry, saying that her firearm gives her the ability to "fight back" and defend her students. 

(Cover Photo: PxHere)

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