Piers Morgan Accuses Walmart of Selling Guns to Kids After Viral Photo

Lianne Hikind | August 10, 2017

All retailers have had an awkward moment or two that has resulted in some major blowback. Walmart just encountered a real doozy, and Piers Morgan is having a pretty overhyped meltdown about it.

Whether as an intentionally bad move or a careless oversight, some brilliant Walmart employee decided to put a sign above a store's rifle display that read, "Own The School Year Like A Hero"  -- which is admittedly not a good look for the major retailer.

A customer tweeted a photo of the display, causing insta-outrage. Walmart, for their part, did publicly apologize for the display, calling it awful and saying they'd investigate how the sign got there in the first place. 

Piers Morgan, the man who Ben Shapiro once said stood on the graves of the children of Sandy Hook Elementary to push his gun control agenda, weighed in, accusing Walmart of peddling firearms to kids:


Sorry Piers, but it's kind of hard to take you seriously, considering you called the leader of the NRA the most dangerous man in America, and have routinely taken advantage of situations to push your gun-grab agenda. It should also be noted that despite its clearly insensitive sign placement, the store is not "selling its guns to schoolchildren."

Walmart handled the situation the right way, and their spokesperson addressed the issue by apologizing and making sure the display was taken down:

"Charles Crowson, a spokesman for Walmart, told the BBC: "What's seen in this photograph would never be acceptable in our stores.

We regret this situation and are looking into how it could have happened."

Then again, it makes sense that in today's culture of extreme hyperbole, what was likely an employee's unconscious error in judgement would be met with hyperventilating rage from anti-gun town criers like Morgan.