Petitioner Attacks TLC's '19 Kids' for Promoting Family Values

Katie Rodriguez | November 19, 2014

A California man started a petition to ban the TLC show "19 Kids" for what he says are "discriminatory sentiments" against the LGBT community.

Jim Wissick of San Jose, California posted a petition on that garnered 25,000 signatures out of its 75,000 signature goal for the Duggar family's opposition to an Arkansas city ordinance that would allow transgender people to use restrooms reserved for both men and women.

The Learning Channel 
End LGBTQ fear mongering by the Duggars.

The Duggars have been using their fame to promote discrimination, hate, and fear-mongering against gays and transgendered people. You need to take a stand on the side of justice and cancel their show.

[Your name]

Wissick particularly mentions Michelle Duggar's involvement in a robocall last August against the measure, where she said she "doubts Fayetteville parents would stand for a law that would endanger their daughters or allow them to be traumatized by a man joining them in their private space."

"The Duggars' words reek of ignorance and fear mongering," Wissick said. "Just because someone is transgendered doesn't mean they are a child predator or a rapist."

The law passed 6-2 regardless of Michelle Duggar's claims, but The Fayetteville Times reported that spectators at the event "overwhelmingly spoke out against the proposed ordinance" because it violated businesses rights under the First Amendment.

Representatives for TLC have not responded to media requests for comment, but TLC Network doesn't look like it's going to repeal the show anytime soon.

TLC Networks' Twitter page posted several tweets encouraging its members to follow the Duggar family's adventures on Instagram and follow the birth of their newest child on the show.