Palin Praises Trump, Wants 'Radical Left' to Hear 'You're Fired'

Tim Dionisopoulos | June 17, 2015

Former GOP Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin commented on Donald Trump's burgeoning 2016 presidential bid earlier this morning by saying "...we charge forward after the radical left hears America shout 'You're Fired!'"

"Mr. Trump should know he's doing something right when the malcontents go ballistic in the press," she added.

Palin tweeted the response at Trump, with a link to her full statement on her official Facebook page.

Palin praised Trump's "success" but stopped short of an official endorsement saying he joins a "competitive field of GOP candidates."

Trump responded almost immediately on Twitter, thanking Palin and offering to get "pizza in New York soon with you & your great family."

The real estate mogul announced his presidential bid this past Tuesday morning at Trump Tower in New York City.