Overlooked Debate Gift: Adam Carolla Eviscerates Gavin Newsom On COVID Lockdowns

P. Gardner Goldsmith | July 1, 2024


Within the cornucopia of notable occurrences at Thursday’s Biden-Trump “debate”, there was one nutritious mental meal that many pop media outlets have been loath to discuss.

And it actually came after the debate.

It happened when the seemingly uninformed, and perpetually overconfident, California Governor Gavin Newsom stepped into the bear-trap of answering questions from the informed, energetic, and unafraid comedian and podcaster Adam Carolla on the recently-founded NewsNation streaming net.

As Young Americans for Liberty posted on X: “Gavin Newsom thought he was going on a panel to talk about the presidential debate. Instead, @adamcarolla used the opportunity to absolutely ROAST him on his Covid tyranny. This is classic…”

Indeed. In the video attached to the YAF post, Carolla wastes no time, opening with, “Governor, why did you shut the beaches in California during COVID?”

Newsom offers one of his slippery grins, replying, “Yeah, I think we all were working on information at the time…”

Which might make one wonder what "information" he means, since the information offered by the federal government was wholly unworthy of credulity or trust. But a deeper question, and one that seems to propel Carolla’s blistering display of disinfecting sunlight, is that lockdown moves by people such as Newsome, the politicians and bureaucrats like him, and the police who blithely followed the stormtrooper commands to shut down restaurants, close churches, and even yank solo paddle-boarders out of the Pacific Ocean all breached nearly half of the U.S. Bill of Rights.

And what of that statement, Newsom begins? Talking about “working on information at the time”?

Its innocuity is matched only by what seems to lurk behind it, which is that these purveyors of political tyranny not only had no authority or excuse to shut down private businesses and the freedom of association, they now want those of us who are justifiably angry to overlook their despotism as mere “miscalculations” in what they depict as an “evolving” situation.

Many of us not only knew better about the so-called “SCIENCE,” we also knew that private association is not to be touched by government and that this guy Newsom initiated, rules that he, himself, broke, by, oh, attending an infamous “unmasked birthday bash” at the swanky restaurant The French Laundry.

Related: Via Constitutionally Insulting Executive Order, Biden Mandates Masks On Planes

That would be the one which he made even more infamous by initially claiming the gathering was held outside (he soon shut down even outdoor dining), when photos exposed his lie and showed his gaggle of turkeys eating INSIDE, side-by-side, again, contrary to his hypocritical and thuggish edicts.

Oh, but Newsom adds, “We had no basis of deeply understanding the virus."

To which Carolla replies, “So, you didn’t know anything. So, why’d you shut the beaches?”

Newsom continues beneath Carolla for a moment, mumbling incoherencies about Florida (which saw Governor DeSantis reverse his initial lockdown responses and publicly acknowledge the error, and which saw a better outcome for purported COVID deaths, especially when adjusted for Florida’s larger proportion of elderly people. It should be noted, of course, that no one ever will be able to say how many people died from COVID, because the US government incentivized medical centers to claim that faulty PCR tests were sure indicators of COVID infection and incentivized medical centers to claim that deaths with positive PCR “COVID” markers were deaths FROM COVID-19.)

Carolla has to break through Newsom’s nonsense and repeat, “If you didn’t know anything, why’d you shut the beaches?”

To which, Newsome shamelessly offers, “Because people were concerned early in the pandemic, information was coming out as it relates to how it was transferred, uh, the disease, people were cautious, trying to keep people alive, and I should say that… California health-require—”

Carolla doesn’t let him slip away

“So, you didn’t let ‘em go in the sunshine and get vitamin D and exercise. So, you shut the beaches, okay, and you arrested a guy who was paddleboarding in the bay," he presses.

They both pause at that moment, and both try talking at the same time, as Carolla says, “Yeah. Any science behind that?”

And Newsom insincerely offers, “It’s always good to see you, Adam…”

Newsom then tries to deflect from the questions to the presidential debate - but Carolla doesn't let him off that easy.

“It’s not a debate. You shut outdoor dining. You canceled businesses. Had nothing to do with ‘science,'" he says.

Absolutely right.

The clip ends there, but even if the so-called “science” had supported political-pharma fearmongering about a misnamed “pandemic” (again, there literally is no way anyone in history will be able to cite actual, verifiable death stats), there not only is no political “authority” to prevent private meetings on private property, to shut down business associations, or force onto businesses political mandates on mask-wearing, or any other kind of a-priori compulsion that forces people to behave like horses beneath the whip, Carolla reminds us about a deeper lesson.

He lets us remember that the more private property there is, and the better it is respected, the more we can decide for ourselves the safety parameters under which we want to operate and meet voluntarily with others.

It is the existence of tax-funded “public” places that introduces the big problem, where everyone has his tax money consumed by politicians like Newsom and a portion of it shifted onto the government “owning” and “running” places like parks, streets, and beaches. In such places, the economic truism of the Tragedy of the Commons cannot be avoided, as all the forcibly grouped-together taxpayers argue over how the public space will be run.

It should be intrinsically clear that private property as the paradigmatic base affords people their right to join others in free association based on the rules of the owner and the preferences of those invited to that private property. From there, each participant can meet, depart, and establish the next private association, and so on, and so on, allowing each of us to decide what we prefer and allowing our decisions to be reflected in the market and among society.

Carolla not only does a great service reminding anyone who sees his grilling of Newsom that the California governor cares little for private property, the US and California Constitutions, his own standards, or even basic historical facts, he allows us to remember the timeless lesson exposing the difference between government and society.

One wonders how many of us nodded in approval, and thought that Mr. Carolla was speaking for us during that utter evisceration of the stuffed shirt called Gavin Newsom.

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