Loudoun County Public Schools are a mess. Or, more accurately, it's woke school board is a mess. The board recently under fire for imposing radical progressive curricula including critical race theory, is now taking heat from its students.
A young girl by the name of Jolene Grover is putting the entire Loudoun County School Board on blast for implementing controversial policies which allow boys to use the girls’ locker rooms. She challenged them "Everyone knows what a boy is -- even you." Ouch!
During a school board meeting on June 8, Grover addressed the school board directly saying, “Two years ago, I was told policy 1040 was just an umbrella philosophy and you weren’t going to allow boys into the girls' locker rooms. But here you are doing just that.” The policy she references was originally intended to provide “an equitable, safe and inclusive learning and working environment” for “all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex” as well as “sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, age, or genetic information.”
This rule proceeded the most recent woke policy now in question - 8350 - that elaborates on the “rights of transgender and gender-exspansive students.” It states that “students should be allowed to use the facility that corresponds to their gender identity.” Additionally, staff will allow “gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence.” Students and staff that don't pretend along with the trans kid can be subject to discipline.
The young student accused the school board of “sexism,” and told Fox News after the fact that “she worried that LCPS’s new rule would lead to girls being harassed and assaulted.” Grover explained that her guidance counselor brushed off these concerns over privacy and safety by noting that the bathrooms have stalls.
Grover voiced her outrage at the forced use of preferred pronouns, saying “Now, boys are reading erotica in the classroom next to girls and you want to give them access to girl’s locker rooms and you want to force girls to call those boys ‘she.’ This dangerous and hypocritical decision from LCPS is done in the “name of inclusivity” as Grover so pointedly remarked. Ultimately, it ignores “the girls who will pay the price,” she says. “Your policies choose boys’ wants over girls’ needs.”
The drama surrounding LCPS began back in May after one of its own teachers, Byron “Tanner” Cross, railed at the school board for its proposed policies on gender that would compel staff to use whatever pronouns confused children are pleased to select. He was suspended for his opposition, stating that he would not “affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa because it's against my religion. It’s lying to a child, it's abuse to a child, and it's sinning against our God.” He has since been reinstated after the Loudoun Circuit Court ruled the suspension as “extreme,” “vindictive,” and unconstitutional.