Okay, Buddy: Joe Scarborough Says CNN/Trump Town Hall was 'as Chilling as Anything I’ve Seen on Television Since January the 6th'

Nick Kangadis | May 11, 2023
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Members of the propaganda media are either really soft, weak people or so overdramatic that they’d make a telenovela actress blush. And once he gets his makeup on in the morning, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough is ready to prove just how dramatic he can be.

On Thursday, the morning after the CNN Town Hall with Republican Presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump, Scarborough showed his more sensitive side and conveyed his overdramatic, faux outrage over the event.

After Scarborough spoke about his partisan talking points concerning well anything associated with the former president, that’s when he said one of the most hyperbolic things I’ve ever heard a propagandist say — and that doesn’t just go for topics concerning Trump.

“What I saw last night was as chilling as anything I’ve seen on television since January the 6th,” Scarborough said with a quiver in his voice.

Related: Scarborough Likens GOP On Guns To 'Slaveholders And Segregationists'

And remember, according to leftists like Scarborough, the events of January 6, 2021 were worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

Just so we’re clear, Scarborough often likes to push conspiracy theories about different events in recent history and specific comments that others have made. But, wasn’t it his co-host and wife, Mika Brzezisnki, that once said that it is “our job” in the propaganda media to “control exactly what people think?”

Looks like ol’ Joe is taking a page out of his wife’s book — when she’s nice enough to allow him out of her purse.

For Scarborough full clown world monologue, watch below:



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