Obama: ‘Lobster Ice Cream’ Gives African Visitors ‘A Taste of America’

Craig Bannister | August 5, 2016

“It sounds terrible,” Pres. Obama opined on the lobster ice cream sampled by visitors to the U.S. from the Young African Leaders Initiative meeting with the president in Washington, DC, on Wednesday.

During their visit, “you’ve immersed yourself in American culture” by eating lobster ice cream, Obama told the young Africans:

“And not only have you been studying and learning, but you’ve also immersed yourself in American culture.  You’ve looked at sites from our nation’s founding in Boston and Philadelphia.  You’ve visited the 9/11 Memorial in New York.  You’ve spent time in my hometown of Chicago.

“So you’ve got a taste of America, which, for some of you, apparently included something called lobster ice cream, which I’ve never tasted myself.  But I have to admit, it sounds terrible.”

“But that’s okay.  You were very brave,” Obama commended the visitors.

Turns out, there actually is such a thing as lobster ice cream.

Invented by Ben & Bill’s Chocolate Emporium in Bar Harbor, Maine, the concoction is a butter-flavored ice cream containing real pieces of cooked lobster. It seems the young African leaders must’ve visited one of the store’s three Massachusetts locations during their trip to Boston.

As for the taste, the only review of the lobster ice cream on TripAdvisor.com is “surprisingly” positive (“very good”).