NYC Spends $200K To Bring Drag Queens Into Schools

P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 15, 2022
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In yet another manifestation of the immorality of taxation, the New York City government this year showered $200,000 on “Drag Queen Interests” to bring them into public schools.

Mary Kay Linge and John Levine report for the New York Post that, since 2018, the city (which is subsidized by the state and by federal funds, so you’re implicated in this) has spent upwards of $207K on this bizarre activity, and:

Since January, the group has organized 49 drag programs in 34 public elementary, middle, and high schools, it boasted on its website, with appearances in all five boroughs.

Indeed, they note that in May, even as many Americans nationwide began waking up to this new facet of degeneracy that's already drawn from the degeneracy of public schooling in general, the city burned through nearly one-fourth of that cash:

Last month alone, Drag Story Hour NYC — a nonprofit whose outrageously cross-dressed performers interact with kids as young as 3 — earned $46,000 from city contracts for appearances at public schools, street festivals, and libraries, city records show.

Because it is part of the ever-lower debasement system called “the commons,” where public funding means everyone tries to get a piece of the action, public education has reached this level, a level of “inclusiveness” that welcomes – and pays for – strange psycho-predatory indoctrination of kids.

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But that’s always been the focus of public education in the America. As Samuel Blumenfeld wrote in his many books on the history and disastrous consequences of government forces invading what, until the late 1800s, was a mostly private education system in the U.S., much of the drive to spread government-run, taxpayer-funded schooling came mostly at the behest of Unitarian politicians and Fabian socialist followers of Scottish collectivist Robert Owen, forces that wanted to push Calvinist and incoming Catholic immigrant children away from their church-based education. Their collectivist agenda slowly broke the bonds between religious standards and education, replacing private funding and parental control with public-tax funding and collective control.

And the descent has followed.

Thus, as the Post reports, you helped subsidize:

In April, the elaborately coiffed Harmonica Sunbeam wore a slinky gown to meet with kindergarteners at STAR Academy in Manhattan and color pages from ‘The Dragtivity Book,’ which encourages kids to choose their pronouns and invent drag names.

If we can see the history of this descent, we can see the freedom lost to collectivism, and work to recover some of that.

While we work to protect the futures of coming generations.

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