'Why Can't We Be Friends?' AI Video of Biden & Trump Hilariously Shows Pair Being Best Buds

Nick Kangadis | November 14, 2024
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No matter what your lot in life might be, EVERYONE needs to laugh now and then. You’d explode if you didn’t, figuratively. So, despite the country being seriously divided by two prevailing ideologies and ways to approach life, certain things are geared to make all of us laugh — unless you’re a joyless robot who simply doesn’t find anything outside of their worldview funny.

In recent weeks, leading up to and since the 2024 election of President-elect Donald Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris, people have been murmuring about how it almost seems as if President Joe Biden had been rooting for Trump to win after being forced out of the race and replaced.

Heck, at Wednesday’s meeting at the White House between Biden and Trump, you couldn’t wipe the smile off Biden’s face, as Director of National Intelligence (DNI) nominee Tulsi Gabbard told Fox News host Jesse Watters.

So going back to laughing, and since the internet can occasionally be a hilarious place, creator "Ari K" published an AI-generated music video of Biden and Trump getting along so well that they went on different adventures together to the tune of the classic song, “Why Can’t We Be Friends?”

Related: WATCH: Out With The Old Media, In With The New | Things That Need To Be Said

Take a look:

To borrow and paraphrase a line from stand-up comedian Larry the Cable Guy, ‘I’m sorry, but that’s funny right there. I don’t care who you are. That’s funny right there.’

You gotta be able to laugh, folks. It’s good for you. And if you can’t? Well, lighten up, Francis.


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