Pro-Palestinian Professional Victim at Columbia Univ. Turns Down 'Humanitarian Aid'

Nick Kangadis | September 5, 2024
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Speaking from experience, a good portion of “activists” and “protesters,” while yelling and shouting about an issue they want fixed, don’t actually want someone to come along and fix the problem. Why? Because then they’d either have nothing to complain about or have to manufacture a non-problem into a problem so they can continue playing the victim.

I know there’s so many activists that we see in viral clips with the IQ of jello. But, does anyone remember the pro-Palestinian activist from a few months ago at Columbia University who complained about “humanitarian aid” for students protesting?

Well, she’s back. However, this time it’s because she was confronted by the president of Accuracy in Media Adam Guillette who, ironically, attempted to offer her “humanitarian aid.”

“I know humanitarian aid, very important,” Guillette began. “We’re going to Shake Shack. Can we get you anything?”

“We’re not interested in speaking,” the woman (I’m assuming) responded.

This is in stark contrast from what the activist previously said months ago.

“Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill even if they disagree with you?” she said. “This is, like, basic humanitarian aid we’re asking for. Like, could people please have a glass of water?”

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Excuse me, folks. But, why doesn’t she take a break from fighting whatever cause she’s paid to fight for at that moment and go get one herself? That’s just lazy. You’re not in a war-torn area. You decided to come down and protest. Go get your own s**t.

Guillette asks her a couple more times if he could help by getting her a drink or something to eat, and this chick just wasn’t having it.

If this is the case when someone is offering to help you, then you’re not a victim. You’re an a*****e.


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