FLASHBACK: Trump Talks About California's Lack of Water from Bad Policy to Joe Rogan

Nick Kangadis | January 9, 2025

All of this could've been prevented. The catastrophic calamity of the fires affecting the state of California looks like it's most likely the result of bad policy. If only someone spoke up about the abundance of water California could have if the "environmental" politicians would just get out of the way.

Oh, wait. Someone did.

In a clip that is making the rounds again because of the tragedy that has befallen California, President-elect Donald Trump's appearance on "The Joe Rogan Experience" a few months ago - which he was laughed at for bringing up then - now looks more like a warning that was ignored.

"The water isn't allowed to flow down. It's got a natural flow from Canada, all the way up north, more water than they could ever use," Trump told Joe Rogan. "And in order to protect a tiny little fish, the water up north gets routed into the Pacific Ocean, millions and millions of gallons of water gets poured."

Trump, in the clip above, also spoke about how the government doesn't allow, or simply just doesn't keep up with, clearing the brush in forests that basically act like tinder in dry conditions.

Related: Despite California Being on Fire, Biden Regime to Give Ukraine Another $500 Mil. in Weapons

Back in 2015, in the midst of a severe drought, then-Gov. Jerry Brown (D) imposed a 25 percent reduction in water use for the state of California, and Forbes asked a particularly foreshadowing question.

Earlier this month, Governor Jerry Brown, standing on a dry Sierra meadow that’s normally buried under many feet of snow this time of year, made an historic announcement requiring mandatory 25% reductions in water use statewide.

But what if the state is missing an enormous opportunity to make a dent in the drought and become more resilient to inevitable future ones?

These environmentalists, specifically in California, have no one to blame but themselves...and possibly some arsonists intentionally helping the fires spread. But, that's another story.


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