Ed. Sec. Chastises Concerned Parents as 'People...Misbehaving in Public...Like They Know What's Right for Kids'

Nick Kangadis | September 22, 2023
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While no one can say for certain that the federal government hates the American people, it certainly does seem that they have a clear disdain for parents who think they have a right to a say in how their children are raised and what they learn in school.

Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona sat down for an interview with the Associated Press (AP) and said that, while he doesn’t have a problem with disagreement, he doesn’t “respect” people he deems misbehave “in public and acting like they what’s right for kids.”

“There was civility. We could disagree. We could have healthy conversations, um, around what’s best for kids. I respect differences of opinion. I don’t have too much respect for people that are misbehaving in public and then acting like they know what’s right for kids.”

Related: Mother Testifies Parents Are Being Forced to File Costly Public Records Requests to See Their Child’s Curriculum

The problem is that it’s very unclear what Cardona deems as misbehavior. Is he saying that parents who speak up about the perversions Cardona and his ilk have no problem teaching young children in schools are misbehaving?

First of all, they’re not your kids, Sec. Cardona. And you have no right to tell parents how to raise their children. Being the secretary of education doesn’t afford you the right to lecture and chastise parents for caring deeply about what their kids are learning in some of these woke, perverse schools that you’re in charge of.

If anything, Cardona needs to answer for his ignorance towards the grooming that’s happening in public schools all across the country.

Don’t preach, just teach.


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