Ah, the Green Party. Whether it’s in the U.S. or in Canada, you gotta give credit where credit is due to a party that belongs in the Special Olympics category of politics — they sure are persistent.
Someone named Elizabeth May, who’s apparently a member of Canadian Parliament with the Green Party, gave a rebuttal to President-elect Donald Trump’s troll of making Canada the 51st state of the U.S. after threatening the now-resigning Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with a 25 percent tariff on Canadian vehicles coming into the U.S.
May, and I’m not making this up, politely — because Canada — said Canada could make western liberal havens, like California, Washington and Oregon, new Canadian provinces.
“Hey, Donald. Have we got a deal for you!” May said during some kind of press conference, most likely at a Tim Horton’s (that’s a joke). “You think we want to be the 51st state? Nah. But maybe California would like to be the 11th province. How bout it?”