Anti-White Activist Ibram X. Kendi Says 'Whiteness Prevents White People from Connecting with Humanity'

Nick Kangadis | December 8, 2023
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After the civil rights movement truly ended with the deaths of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, we had to endure decades of race hustling by charlatans like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. But now, what seems to be the prevailing thought among Marxist activists is anti-whiteism.

One purveryor of anti-whiteism is self-important racist Ibram X. Kendi, whose real name is Ibram Henry Rogers.

Recently, as reported by Breitbart, Kendi spoke at a screening of his Netflix documentary, "Stamped from the Beginning." Kendi, as he does, had some very racist and unflattering things to say about white people and their lack of comprehension of society because of the color of their skin.

"I don’t think white people worldwide have really reckoned with how much their own personal identity is shaped by constructions of whiteness, and how much that construction of whiteness prevents white people from connecting with humanity," Kendi said.

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He reportedly later doubled down that "whiteness" prevents white people from "connecting with humanity." Sounds pretty racist to me.

As an aside, is it just me, or does Kendi sound like he's making it up as he goes along?

Anyway, Kendi's comments are all really rich coming from someone who bases every aspect of life on the color of his own skin. Faux experts like Kendi always like to talk about other races not being able to fully understand the "black perspective" because they don't live in black people's shoes. Can't the same be said for Kendi? He has absolutely no idea what it's like to be white, so for him to denigrate white people because of how he perceives them to think is the height of hypocrisy.

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