A gruesome (and yet not at all shocking) new report from NBC Bay Area reveals Nancy Pelosi’s district seat of San Francisco is up to its metaphorical ears in dirty drug syringes, human feces and garbage, all piled up in the backyard of some of the most left-wing politicians in the nation.
From the report, published Monday:
The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit surveyed 153 blocks of downtown San Francisco in search of trash, needles, and feces. The investigation revealed trash littered across every block. The survey also found 41 blocks dotted with needles and 96 blocks sullied with piles of feces.
… As the Investigative Unit photographed nearly a dozen hypodermic needles scattered across one block, a group of preschool students happened to walk by on their way to an afternoon field trip to city hall.
“We see poop, we see pee, we see needles, and we see trash,” said teacher Adelita Orellana. “Sometimes they ask what is it, and that’s a conversation that’s a little difficult to have with a 2-year old, but we just let them know that those things are full of germs, that they are dangerous, and they should never be touched.”
Dr. Lee Riley, an infectious disease expert at University of California, Berkeley, told NBC he believes the problem in San Francisco may be worst than that of some third-world nations.
“Based on the findings of the Investigative Unit survey, Riley believes parts of the city may be even dirtier than slums in some developing countries,” the report added.
An official with the city’s Public Works Department said the city spends an average of $30 million a year just cleaning up drug needles and human excrement from its downtown streets.
All of this comes after more than two solid decades of ultra-liberal policies to expand government, perpetuate chronic cycles of addiction and dependence, and encourage rampant illegal immigration and dangerous sanctuary city rules that foster yet more crime and poverty. San Francisco boasts some of the highest crime rates in the entire country, particularly violent crime and property theft, while its compassionate big-governement solutions have given way to an ever-burgeoning homeless population that's spun well out of control.
In 2016, even as their city’s own five-year-olds were dodging dirty drug needles and piles of feces on the way to school, local officials proposed using $5 million in taxpayer funds to hire lawyers for illegal aliens to fight Trump’s immigration policies.
Getting harder and harder to claim to care about the poor, there, lefties.
(Cover Photo: Eric Molina)