It’s a new week and that means it’s time for a new theory on why Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election in 2016.
This week’s theory features Russian bots and people critical of her supporters forcing them into hiding.
Despite leading just about every major poll going in to election night and receiving over 65 million votes, we now learn that Hillary’s supporters were actually quiet and hidden. Hillary says they couldn’t publicly support her because Russian bots and critics on social media.
“Now, for 25 years, ever since I've been in the public spotlight nationally, there has been a very concerted effort to just, you know, attack me, spread falsehoods about me, and the like. Which, I knew was going on and which do take a toll. They take a toll, not only on me, but they take a toll on people’s views about me,” Clinton said at the PEN America World Voices Festival, in Manhattan Sunday.
“I felt so terrible during this last campaign when so many people who supported me literally had to hide their support,” she added.
“They joined, you know, groups on Facebook and immediately just a swarm of Russian bots and other, you know, critics would descend upon them and make terrible, terrible accusations against them because they were supporting me.
And, so, it moved into, kind of, a hidden sanctuary so people can say, ‘I really support her or I really agree with her.’ I don't know quite why I provoke that kind of overreaction,” Clinton said.
I don’t know where this hidden sanctuary is, but perhaps she should pay her supporters a visit.
(Cover Photo: DJ Shin)