Abortion Ad Mocks Christians, Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Alissa Lopez | July 13, 2016

The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL) just released a disgusting new ‘comedy’ ad ridiculing pro-lifers, Christians and crisis pregnancy centers.

The video, titled "Comedians in Cars Getting Abortions," starts out with a smiling, happy man approaching a female friend and asking her if she’s excited to get coffee. The woman, clearly exasperated, responds, “We’re not gonna do this… we’re gonna go get an abortion.”

“I want an abortion because my body is doing a thing right now that is not incubating a person and I would like it to continue doing that thing. Okay? It’s my choice,” the woman complains.

The two make their way into a red Prius, of all things. A crying baby slapping sounds are heard in the background and this dialogue is exchanged:

“Also look at that kid I mean…”

“That kid is slapping his dad in the face.”

“Yes, yeah, we don’t need more of those in the world. That’s another thing.”

So the only way to support your argument is to label children as… parent abusers? Makes sense.

Not only does the video inaccurately portray pro-lifers as unknowledgeable and irrational individuals who have no reasonable justifications for opposing abortions, but it also mocks Christians and pro-life pregnancy center workers.

When finally arriving at the abortion clinic for the procedure, the woman appears annoyed as the receptionist informs her of the baby's fetal development -- which the ad exaggerates beyond the ridiculous. At one point, the receptionist actually asks, "Who needs doctors when you have the Book of Jeremiah?" 

"That's just some data, compiled by Jesus," the receptionist adds.

Upon finding a doctor who will give her an abortion, the woman asks, “How do I get an abortion?”

The doctors response: “If you want an abortion, the easiest way, is probably just to go to a place where it’s legal. Like Canada or Uruguay.”

I’m dumbfounded.