Talk about paranoid! When you’re used to a way of life that includes killing your own people, torturing foreign prisoners and threatening other countries with a war that you’d never win, I’m not at all surprised by the latest decision made in North Korea.
On Wednesday, North Korea decided to cancel the “high-level” summit with South Korea at the last minute. South Korean news agency Yonhap News reported that the decision was made because of “ongoing military exercises between the South [Korea] and the United States."
The paranoia comes in the excuse that the military exercises could just be a “rehearsal” for a planned invasion of North Korea.
Since this is a developing story, the U.S. State Department claims there’s no news whether North Korea has threatened to - or will cancel its historic planned talks with President Donald Trump and the United States. But, according to North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) the threat of a possible cancellation is there.
"This exercise targeting us, which is being carried out across South Korea, is a flagrant challenge to the Panmunjom Declaration and an intentional military provocation running counter to the positive political development on the Korean Peninsula," Yonhap reported. "The United States will also have to undertake careful deliberations about the fate of the planned North Korea-U.S. summit in light of this provocative military ruckus jointly conducted with the South Korean authorities."
It shouldn’t surprise anyone in the least that someone as paranoid and petulant as North Korean “supreme leader” Kim Jong-un would wait until the last minute to pull this kind of charade. I’m sure this isn’t the first time North Korea has learned about military exercises going on between South Korea and the U.S.
H/T: Fox News