MTG Filing Articles of Impeachment for 'Abuse of Power' Against FBI Director Wray & U.S. Atty. for D.C. Graves

Nick Kangadis | May 17, 2023
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Say what you want about the polarizing congresswoman from Georgia, but Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) seems to be one of the only members of Congress attempting to hold government officials accountable for either their incompetence or alleged corruption — or both.

Add two more to the list of government officials Greene is looking to impeach from their positions within said government because of abuse of power.

Towards the conclusion of her time during a Tuesday hearing by the House Oversight Committee, Greene told U.S. Attorney for Washington D.C. Matthew Graves that she’s looking to introduce articles of impeachment against him for “abuse of power” in allegedly prioritizing the prosecution of political opposition rather than actual criminals.

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“The time for weaponizing the Department of Justice (DOJ) needs to come to and end,” Greene said. “And because you refuse to prosecute real criminals that are violating all the crimes here in Washington D.C., and you want to talk about D.C. residents, they are victims of your abuse of power. And because of that, I am introducing articles of impeachment on you, Mr. Graves, and I yield back the remainder of my time.”

Greene also a press release on Tuesday in which she announced she's introducing articles of impeachment against Federal Bureau of Investigation (FB) Director Christopher Wray, once again for abusing his power.

"It is unacceptable for the Director of the FBI or any civil officer to exercise his power in a way that targets one political class while doing favors for the other," Greene stated in the press release.

In August of last year, Greene drafted articles of impeachment against U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland also for allegedly abusing his power as the top lawyer in the land.

She did the same against the newly minted President of the United States Joe Biden, also for an alleged abuse of power, back in January of 2021.

For the Greene’s full time during the Tuesday hearing, watch below:



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