MRC’s Bozell : Media Is Out To Censor Trump – Hide Biden’s ‘Web Of Money’

mrctvstaff | September 18, 2023
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The leftist media is out to censor Donald Trump and protect Biden from bribery scandals according to Media Research Center President Brent Bozell.

“They were apoplectic with themselves during the 2016 campaign because it was all Trump all the time. I've never seen in my life someone command the media attention the way that he did. He's a master, an absolute master,” Bozell  told the Charlie Kirk podcast on Monday.

“They were going crazy, but they had to cover him because of the ratings. It's so good for the ratings. So what's happened is since 2020?  They have said to themselves, look, we've got to take the high road. And the high road means banning him from being on television. Which begs the question, who the hell are they? I mean, these are supposed to be news reporters not passing judgment on who is worthy and who isn't.”

“Donald Trump going on television is something they believe ought not to be happening because by God, his ideas might get out there.”

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Bozell says media efforts to interfere in the elections and help Democrats goes further than censoring Trump, they also want to censor information regarding the bribery scandals surrounding Joe Biden and his family.

“Joe Biden has said unequivocally he's never dealt discussed his business, his son's business deals. He said it over and over again. All right. So what was Hunter Biden's partner, Eric Schwerin, doing in the White House? What was he doing in there? And it's not just that he went to the White House. He went to the White House 19 times, according to their logs, including one visit with Vice President Joe Biden.

Do you think there's any media interest in that? They should be breaking down every door to find out what was he doing there 19 times. Not one single story has been done on this.”

Bozell later continued, “I'll give you one piece of evidence – it’s all you need to know. 20 LLCS (Limited Liability Companys), 20. You only do that for one reason, and that is to hide money. That's right. You have when you have two. It's to hide money. When you've got 20 that you really want to hide money. The Biden family web of money is 20 LLCS.”

You can watch the complete Bozell interview with Charlie Kirk in the video above.

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