MRC Video: What We Saw at the Sharia Law Counter Protest in D.C.

Joe Schoffstall | March 4, 2011

Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary scheduled a rally in front of the White House on March 3 to promote Sharia law in America. After weeks of hyping the event and appearing on national news, Choudary called off the protest last minute. However, Terry Jones - the preacher who became known for his "Burn the Koran" rally calls- got wind of Choudary's protest and organized a counter-protest. As Choudary didn't show, Jones did and has a message for Anjem and those calling for Sharia law here in America. Nabeel Qureshi, a former devout Muslim turned Christian and co-directer of Acts 17 apologetics, was also in attendance. Qureshi lambasted Sharia and wants to ask Choudary, "What does Sharia in the United States look like? Does it involve stoning adulterers? Does it involve whipping fornicators? Does it involve killing apostates? Do we have freedom of speech? When you say bring Sharia to the United States, what does that look like? That's what I want to ask people like Anjem Choudary and other Muslims who support Sharia."