Most Americans Support Military Action Against North Korea

Monica Sanchez | July 6, 2017

Kim Jong Un

A new Rasmussen poll reveals that an overwhelming majority of Americans support an international military response to North Korea’s efforts to build nuclear weapons.

Up 18 percent from January 2016, 75 percent of Americans “think the United Nations and the international community should do more – up to and including military action – to prevent North Korea’s further development of nuclear weapons,” writes Rasmussen.

Just 11 percent disagree with a military response and 14 percent report undecided.

Forty-five percent (45%) of respondents believe the United States specifically should take military action against the DPRK, up eight points from 37 percent in March as the outlaw regime’s provocations continue to rise in severity.

Twenty-nine percent (29%) disagree and 26 percent poll undecided.

The results come as the U.S. meets with world leaders at the G20 Summit in Germany and two days after North Korea’s first successful intercontinental ballistic missile test, said to be able to reach as far as Alaska with a nuclear missile head.


The Trump administration seeks to address the North Korea nuclear program with diplomatic and economic efforts, according to Defense Secretary Gen. Jim Mattis.

The U.S. is prepared to respond with military action, however, if such options are necessary to uphold its security alliances with Japan and South Korea, he told reporters at the Pentagon on Thursday.

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