Morgan Freeman and Race

Stephen Gutowski | July 29, 2010

Since the political debate lately has been completely race obsessed I figured it would be a nice refresher if we could try to get some perspective on race relations. Thankfully Morgan Freeman has some pretty insightful things to say about the matter. Here he is being interviewed about race on 60 minutes a couple years ago:

I, for one, agree with Morgan Freeman about how we should approach each other. Race is a superficial divider and I think we should treat it as such. That's not to say, of course, that we ignore our history or our culture.

Certainly discussions on race have their time and place in real life and in political life but as of late our political discourse has become absurdly consumed with skin color. Frankly, its ridiculous. When will our 'national conversation on race", as the media likes to call it, catch up with the reality of how most people actually interact with one another.

Just like Morgan Freeman when I look at my co-workers and friends its not the color of their skin that matters to me but, instead, their personality and character. I think the same is true for the majority of the country. Race obsession leads to nothing good.

Treating each other like unique individuals should always be our goal.