Media: If You Don’t Vote The Way We Tell You To – We May All Be Destroyed! |Wacky MOLE

Eric Scheiner | August 11, 2023
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In this week’s Wacky Moments of Leftist Extremism:

MSNBC's Donny Deutsch demands voters do what he tells them  - and he doesn’t want them to vote Trump. "If Donald Trump wins, nothing else matters because it's over!...Morning Joe might not exist anymore!” Deutsch exclaimed Friday.

CNN’s Kate Bolduan had a bit of a Freudian slip on Monday and said Joe Biden was working “to convince Americans, right, that things are looking better and things are looking better because of our policies.” “Our policies,” Kate?

Related: Media Goes Full Trump Derangement -A 'Terrorist' Who Doesn't Deserve 'A Fair Trial'

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC were still out to lunch as of Thursday morning on a stunning revelation a day earlier from the House Oversight Committee that $20 million in foreign money have gone out “to the Bidens and their associates,” including ties to oligarchs in China, Kazakhstan, and Russia.

A mental meltdown is the best way to describe the hissy fit MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow threw during her eponymous show on Monday when she repeatedly lied about a new AR-15 model being released LAST YEAR that was supposedly “specifically designed for babies” and “the teething toddler market.” Maddow began by shrieking about the rifle “specifically designed to be wielded by babies”  WHAT?!?


For a look at these moments of media madness and more watch the video above.

A complete rundown of leftist media insanity can be found at NewsBusters.

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