Media Claim Biden ‘Shattering The Age Of Reagan’ & CNN Proves Trump Was Right, Again –Wacky MOLE

Eric Scheiner | April 16, 2021

In this week’s Wacky Moments of Leftist Extremism:

On Wednesday, the left-wing hacks on MSNBC’s Morning Joe were excited over the possibility that President Biden would be able to exploit the “once-in-a-generation political opportunity” of a deadly pandemic to shove through radical policies and grow government will end up “shattering the age of Reagan.” One pundit gleefully declared: “...the idea of government as a redemptive force to make people’s lives better is back.” Ick.

MSNBC anchor and reliable Democratic Party shill Andrea Mitchell futilely tried to blame Republicans in Michigan for the state’s surge in COVID cases, rather than the failed leadership of Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer. On Tuesday, the leftist host pointed fingers at every other branch of Michigan state government in her desperate attempt to protect the leftist politician from criticism.

An odd exchange happened during CNN’s live coverage of the Daunte Wright “protest” in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota Wednesday night, that inadvertently proved President Trump correct on a claim the media mocked him for. The media laughed at President Trump discussing the types of projectiles that “anarchists” were using to assault police officers last summer. He mentioned frozen bottles of water and cans of soup. Trump claimed if you stopped them with a can of soup in their hand, they would claim it was “for my family.” What did CNN capture this week? A protestor holding a can of soup “for his family.”  Hmmmm.

CNN has a long record of calling Fox News programming “propaganda” but became strangely silent after Project Veritas released a video this week showing a CNN technical director admitting the network pushed anti-Trump “propaganda” before bragging it was intended to "get Trump out of office."

For a look at these leftist media moments watch the video above.

For a complete rundown on the media’s leftist extremism check out NewsBusters.