Man Dressed as Jew Harassed as He Walks Through Paris

danjoseph | February 16, 2015

“Viva Palestine!”

“He came here to f*** from the front and the back,” 

“Hey you, with the kippa (yarmulke), what are you doing here?” 

These are some of the insults that were hurled at Zvika Klein as he walked through the streets of largely Muslim neighborhoods in Paris, France.

Klein Explains:

Welcome to Paris 2015, where soldiers are walking every street that houses a Jewish institution, and where keffiyeh-wearing men and veiled women speak Arabic on every street corner. Walking down one Parisian suburb, I was asked what I doing there. In modern-day Paris, you see, Jews are barred from entering certain areas.

For 10 hours I quietly walked down the streets and suburbs of Paris, with photographer Dov Belhassen documenting the day using a GoPro camera hidden in his backpack. Given the tensions in Paris, which is still reeling from a wave of terrorist attacks (including the murder of Charlie Hebdo magazine journalists), I was assigned a bodyguard.

Areas known as tourist attractions were relatively calm, but the further from them we walked, the more anxious I became over the hateful stares, the belligerent remarks, and the hostile body language.

Hat Tip: The Blaze