LOOK: Trump Campaign Trolls Hillary with ‘Error’ Page on Website

Monica Sanchez | August 30, 2019

The President Donald Trump campaign is serving up some grade-A trolling material on its official website, rubbing it in almost three years later that Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race.

As The Daily Caller first reported, the campaign website has an “error” page that features a picture of Clinton speaking at a podium with the presidential seal, next to the message, “Oops! This is awkward. You’re looking for something that doesn’t exist…”

The page redirects visitors to the 2020 Trump-Pence homepage.  

It seems as though Trump will never let his former opponent live this down.

Neither will anyone else, it seems, with Netflix having recently announced that it's coming out with a series inspired by Clinton's defeat.

The two continue to trade jabs.

Check it out below.
