COVID lockdown madness has been pushed all across the Western World for two whole years. Its consequences are being felt in UK primary schools, where The Times reports a new inquiry into UK education that significant developmental differences exist in children in large part due to isolation by lockdowns.
The Times Education commission’s final report will be released this week. The inquiry lasted a whole year and found that the recent generation of young children growing up in the pandemic have serious developmental shortcomings. On average, these children are “almost five months academically behind richer classmates by the time they start school.”
A Headteacher in the UK said some kids are “unable to say their own names and having drunk only from baby bottles.” The UK has been more strict with lockdowns than many western nations. It’s no surprise the effects are this bad.
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The Times says the report will show the pandemic and its socially disastrous lockdowns have made the situation with education in the UK worse, as The Times adds a YouGov poll that showed, the “number of pupils starting in reception who were not ready for school had risen to 46 percent in 2020 from 35 percent the previous year.”
None of this is new. Johns Hopkins came out with a meta-analysis in January 2022 that found that “While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted.”
We isolated our kids, took away their social outlets, and put them in front of the TV. What have we reaped? Exactly what we sowed. We locked down to stop COVID, and instead, we stunted our children.
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— MRCTV (@mrctv) June 14, 2022