Twitter is lighting up lefty “journalist” Monique Judge, a writer for The Root, for criticizing Roseanne Barr’s racially charged tweets only months after she herself labeled Ben Carson “a monkey of the porch variety.”
Let's take a look-see, shall we? Here’s Judge slamming Roseanne for calling top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett the love child of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes…
Aaaaaand here’s Judge last October, trying to figure out whether she’d like to be the pot or the kettle in today’s episode of Who Wants to Be a Massive Racist.
For those who don't know, a "porch monkey" is a slang, racially-charged term often used to describe a lazy black person. And apparently, that's O.K. to say -- if you're a leftist.
In an ironic effort to regain the moral high ground Tuesday following Barr's controversial comments, Judge also retweeted this gem from Aditi Juneja, who hosts a podcast for "marginalized communities."
The world would be a better place if the consequences for using racial slurs/stereotypes were this high when directed at any Black person and not just someone like Valarie Jarrett.
— Aditi Juneja (@AditiJuneja3) May 29, 2018
Seeing as the Internet never forgets, Twitter was pretty quick to point out Judge’s blatant double standard when it comes to racial slurs leveled against black people.
Why is Monique Judge still employed? Wise people know there’s a horrible double standard in place.
— Without Fear 57 (@withoutfear7) May 30, 2018
If you really believe what you say, then call out Monique Judge for using a racial insult on a black man.
— Phil (@PaleoPhil) May 29, 2018
Monique Judge, you called Dr Ben Carson a porch monkey, then criticize Roseanne? I guess you & .@TheRoot are fine with calling blacks monkeys as long as it comes from the left.
— Glen Woodfin (@GlenWoodfin) May 30, 2018
Monique Judge calling BEN CARSON A HORRIBLY Racist name. Guess Being a Democrat makes you exempt from saying racist shit and getting nailed for it #StandWithRoseanne
— Steven Hazen (@RebelRaven13) May 30, 2018
The double standard is despicable, perhaps “deplorable”! Monique Judge @thejournalista just last year, I believe,tweeted “Ben Carson is a monkey of the porch variety”! And she still has a job
— Gene Wood (@Genewoodtigers) May 30, 2018
monique judge called ben carson a monkey, She never bothered deleting tweet. i don't remember the outrage then. thats what I mean when I say Hypocrisy much.
— Lisa Loew (@LisaLoew5) May 30, 2018