The Left Eats Their Own: Rose McGowan Gets Into a Screaming Match With a Transwoman at a Q&A

Brittany M. Hughes | February 2, 2018

Watching the hysterical left eat their own has become the new political spectator’s sport. (Think I’m exaggerating? There’s an actual Queer Femme Fight Club in the U.K. Here’s proof.)

Today, in How to Offend the Liberal Who Hates Everything, a transwoman was caught on cell phone tape screaming at liberal feminist actress Rose McGowan, who was once most famous for wearing a dress made out of loose chains and stepping out with Marilyn Manson, but gained recent notoriety for starting the #MeToo movement.

McGowan was at a Barnes and Noble Q&A Wednesday promoting her new book when a transwoman began verbally attacking her for not being…I’m not sure, pro-trans or something.

The transwoman in question was reportedly upset because McGowan hasn’t done “enough” to combat violence against men who think they’re women. Though McGowan at one point tried to agree that violence against actual women and violence against transwomen are “the same,” the man with the pink hair wasn’t having it. Within about two seconds, the pair were in a shouting match.

Eventually, the transwoman was hauled out of the bookstore, leaving McGowan to have a self-pitying, profanity-ridden meltdown on stage about how awesome she is. (And leaving me to wonder if maybe there weren’t some poor unfortunate parents with kids in the children’s section just trying to find a copy of Goodnight, Moon or something.)

Grab some popcorn and watch this unbelievable crapstorm for yourself (insert obligatory language warning here):