For those on the Left around the world who both think and claim that there are no such things as Muslim “No-Go Zones” better think again, or begin actually thinking at all.
Conservative journalist, Islam critic and YouTuber Lauren Southern poked the bear once again when she recently visited a suburb of Sydney, Australia because she heard of conflicting reports that the area had basically turned into one of these no-go zones.
Southern practiced actual journalism by investigating the area for herself, and what she found while reporting in the area almost became a dangerous situation merely based on her presence in the town.
In Southern’s latest YouTube video released on Friday, she said the following about her arrival in Lakemba:
As soon as we arrived in Lakemba things were tense. There were heads turning, people were coming out of shops to look at us and find out what we were doing. Men started yelling in Arabic across the street from us.
I hadn’t even been in Lakemba 10 minutes before someone had tipped off the media. And they came running to combat me and tell me this was a perfectly safe area, and I had nothing and no reason to be there.
A local police officer confronted Southern and her cameraman warning them that their continued presence in the area could cause an “imminent breach of the peace.”
Here’s the full video, which currently has about 200,000 views in less than a full day:
The officer was essentially attempting to force Southern and her crew to leave the area, while being as politically correct as possible.
"Don't tell me you have no-go zones," Southern said. "Don't tell me this is a multi-cultural country. Lakemba is a mono-cutlure, and it is one that does not allow critique of Islam. It is one that does not allow free speech, because it is conquered land."
This is journalism. Real, actual stories that you’d never see on a prominent news network or program, because they’re too afraid of offending the one religion you’re not allowed to talk about — Islam.