Kansas City School District Installs Gender-Neutral Restrooms in Elementary Schools

Patrick Hauf | August 16, 2018

Gender neutral restrooms are making their way into elementary schools.

The North Kansas City School District is making two elementary schools install exclusively gender-neutral restrooms, along with a select few in high schools and sixth grade centers, the Kansas City Star reports.

Signs outside the restrooms display both male and female symbols.

The restrooms consist of numerous private stalls with lockable doors along a wall from the floor to the ceiling. The only open area in the restrooms is by the sinks, where teachers can stand to supervise their students.

There is no federal, state, or school district policy requiring the schools to install gender neutral restrooms. Kansas City School District superintendents are arguing in favor of the restrooms by citing anti-discrimination policies. They also claim the change is less about the transgender restroom debate and more about privacy and security. 

The Obama administration created guidelines requiring schools to allow students to use the restroom that applies to their gender identity but current Education Secretary Betsy DeVos rescinded the guidelines in 2017.