Nike Pumps More Money Into Kaepernick's Account By Promoting Clothing 'Capsule'

John Simmons | October 31, 2023
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Stop me if you’ve heard this before: Nike is promoting Colin Kaepernick.

The sports apparel giant is partnering with the failed NFL player to sell a clothing “capsule,” which barely holds any distinction from being a clothing “collection.” Why it made this decision is beyond me, but hey, this is Nike we’re talking about.

The product in itself isn’t that appealing. Each piece of clothing has a symbol that “tells his story of impact,” but the designs aren’t that appealing. In fact, every design in this collection - excuse me, “capsule” - looks like a glorified doodle.


A post shared by Nike (@nike)

I wouldn’t blame you if you wondered whether or not Nike’s instructions to its graphic design department were: “make everything so rudimentary in design that people will wonder if a caveman did it. But, you know, make it look fresh!”

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Despite the vomit-inducing choice for a marketing representative and the subpar design execution, Nike is enthralled to have Kaep on board for this business venture.

“Colin Kaepernick’s belief in our collective strength fuels his dedication to helping to create a fairer future,” Nike’s post reads.

And for $50 a t-shirt, you too can help create this racist, social justice-driven - I mean, fairer - future!

It’s honestly a match made in liberal heaven: a progressive, useless self-absorbed company partners with a progressive, self-absorbed athlete who’s selling a useless product. Talk about a dynamic duo!

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