John Kasich: Women 'Left Their Kitchens' To Support Me

Alan Moore | February 22, 2016

Republican presidential candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich gave a speech today in Fairfax, VA where he made some controversial comments.

Kasich lamented how many of his supporters are women, "who left their kitchens to go out and go door to door and to put yard signs up for me."

But were his comments taken out of context? He was referring to earlier in his career, not the recent presidential primaries. Here is the whole quote:

"How did I get elected [to the legislature?] Nobody was--I didn't have anybody for me. We just got an army of people, who, and many women, who left their kitchens to go out and go door to door and to put yard signs up for me. All the way back, when--you know things were different. Now you call homes and everybody's out working. But at that time, early days, it was an army of women that really helped me get elected to the state senate."

His campaign just sent out this statement clarifying his remarks:

What do you think, fair or unfair assessment of his comments?

Here's the whole video, including a part when he is refuted by a woman in the audience: