Joe Scarborough: Liberal Media Go After Rural, Pro-Life Female Candidates the Hardest

danjoseph | March 10, 2015

"You never sneak up on the mainstream media."

That's according to Joe Scarborough when MRCTV got the chance to interview him at this year's CPAC.  And he used former governor Sarah Palin as an example of how the liberal media will do anything within its power to destroy a conservative candidate if that candidate is unfamiliar to them when they come on the national scene.

"Sarah Palin surprised them," said Scarborough.  "The way the media treated her....the lies that were being spread about her and her family before they even knew who she was."

"They were trying to destroy her, why? You ask which kind of candidates get the harshest focus...if you're from a rural area, if you're a woman who happens to be pro-life.  I usually find that those are the ones that get hammered the most."