How Does the Propaganda Media Know Everything About 'Pentagon Leaker,' But We Still Can't See Tenn. Shooter's Alleged Manifesto?

Nick Kangadis | April 14, 2023
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The American federal government is not to be trusted, but you already knew that. And, let’s not get it twisted. The federal government has no problem with leakers or whistleblowers, as long as that information benefits the people in charge, the establishment.

This is merely a blog to ask the question; How is it that every propaganda outlet — like CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post — have every piece of information on the background of alleged ‘Pentagon leaker’ Jack Teixeira, but we still know nothing concerning the trans Tennessee shooter’s supposedly real manifesto and/or who the Supreme Court leaker was that “blew the whistle” on SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade?

It’s a matter of convenience, folks. Plain and simple. And it’s so glaringly obvious, but don’t you dare ask questions about it. So that’s exactly why I’m asking questions, if for no other reason, than that it might annoy our federal government and the stiffs that work within their Alphabet Agencies.

The New York Times wrote the following about Teixeira as if they had the evidence already and it was a foregone conclusion:

He guided a group of 20 to 30 people, mostly young men and teenagers, as they bonded over guns, racist memes, video games and international politics.

Related: Psaki Won’t Say Whether Supreme Court Leaker Should Be Punished: It’s Up to the DOJ


Other students, who asked not to be identified, said they detected a more menacing vibe from Teixeira, who some recalled making comments they perceived as racist or mumbling derogatory things about people under his breath.

One student recalled him showing up for school wearing a shirt with an AR-15 on it the day after a mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017.

Teixeira didn’t behave in a manner that rose to the level where “people felt the need to report him,” another former classmate said, but “he made me nervous.”

Washington Post:

Teixeira told members of the Discord group Thug Shaker Central that he worked as a technology support staffer for the Massachusetts Air National Guard and at a base on Cape Cod, and this was how he was able to access classified documents, one member of the Discord server told The Post. Members of the group had come together initially because of their shared interest in guns and military gear, the member told The Post.

And yet nearly three weeks after trans school shooter Audrey Hale killed six people, while the authorities and media kept telling us about some mysterious manifesto, the only people to see this alleged manifesto — if it even exists in the first place and not currently being written by the FBI — is nowhere to be seen with no hope in sight of ever seeing it.

The Daily Mail published a story on Tuesday about Rasmussen survey that said “68 percent of voters want the Nashville mass killer’s writings made public." The other 32 percent are called activists. I kid, but come on. Besides the far-left and their minions, who else wouldn’t want the manifesto — again, if it exists — to be seen?


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