Trevor Noah Says Donald Trump 'Prefers White People Over Black People'

ola olugbemi | October 23, 2017
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In an interview with BBC Newsnight, Trevor Noah, the host of Comedy Central’s late night program “The Daily Show,” stated that he "knows" President Donald Trump "prefers white people over black people."

When asked by BBC’s Nick Bryant if Noah would go so far as to call President Trump a white supremacist, Noah responded:

“Well, I would say this, I don’t know if Donald Trump is a white supremacist. I do know that he prefers white people over black people."

"I do know that he has said on multiple occasions that he does not want black people involved in the counting his money or involved in the running of his world. I do know that he has specifically gone out of his way with his companies to oppress black people," Noah claims.

The comedy host added Trump also avoids coming to the aid of blacks as opposed to whites, and that he "supports and continues to retweet white supremacists on his Twitter account."

He then flat-out calls Trump a racist.

If you're finding all that pretty hard to believe, here's Noah himself:

Now, while Noah, although not a U.S. citizen, is protected by First Amendment rights to free speech, I question his ability to equally apply these same criticisms to other public figures who base their entire careers off mankind's outward appearances. His interviewer references Ta-Nehisi Coates, an acclaimed author and journalist who literally always talks about skin color and the implicit oppression attached to it, yet Noah stays silent on Coates’ apparent preference for black people.

The point is that public figures like Noah and Coates are often very quick in attacking others for their apparent preference for things like skin color, but never seem look to their own ethnically-charged language as racist, or even the slightest bit divisive.  

I get it. The president is an easy target, especially when he doesn’t think the same way you do.

Hypocrisy, on the other hand, is often much harder to spot.
