A homeless woman appears to be guarding Donald Trump’s now-repaired star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
After being destroyed earlier in the week, Trump’s star has been repaired and is now seemingly being watched by a homeless woman holding signs encouraging people to vote for Trump.
“Twenty million illegals and Americans sleep on the streets in tents,” one sign reads. She's got a few other signs as well, but some are too graphic to show. You can see another article that has the pictures here (warning: graphic language).
The woman, who hasn’t yet been identified as of noon on Thursday, seems to have attracted a spectacle of people so far, with some onlookers posing for pictures with her.
This follows the news earlier in the week of a man pretending to be a construction worker and destroying Trump’s star with a sledgehammer and pickaxe. The man reportedly wanted to remove the star and sell it to raise money for the women who are accusing Trump of sexual assault. But he found it was too durable, so he opted to destroy it instead.
Trump’s star has been vandalized numerous times during the campaign. One protestor placed a miniature barbed-wire wall around the star, and others have spray-painted it with everything from swastikas to mute symbols.
There has even been a petition in the past to have the star removed entirely, which the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which oversees the entire Walk of Fame, has repeatedly denied.
“The Hollywood Walk of Fame is a registered historic landmark," President Leron Gubler has said in the past. "Once a star has been added to the Walk, it is considered a part of the historic fabric of the Hollywood Fame. Because of this, we have never removed a star from the Walk.”
Reconstruction of Trump’s star began as early as the day it was vandalized, and has been repaired each time someone has tried to destroy or damage it.
You can see the original source of the photos here, here, and here. Another warning: some signs contain graphic language.
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