Hillary's All Talk, No Action on Abortion Video, Pro-Life Leader Declares

Ben Graham | July 29, 2015

During an interview Tuesday, Hillary Clinton told the New Hampshire Union Leader that she found the recent videos revealing the practices of Planned Parenthood “disturbing,” But, one Pro-Life leader says her talk is cheap.

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, called her out, saying “That's like saying that pictures of the Holocaust are disturbing, while permitting the Holocaust to continue.

"The only reason we see disturbing pictures and videos of the sale of baby body parts is because those babies are dehumanized and killed by the legal abortions Hillary herself defends,” he continued. "It is time for her, the Democratic party, and all pro-abortion politicians to get off the fence. Either reject abortion altogether, or keep quiet. But don't insult our intelligence by allowing a practice to continue and then complaining that its results are disturbing.”



There are, in fact, already some Democrats who are making strong statements in response to the the Planned Parenthood videos. 

Such as Rep. Bill Patmon (D-OH) who addressed participants at the #WomenBetrayed Rally on Tuesday and said that Black Lives Matter protesters should forego targeting police officers and instead protest outside of Planned Parenthood.



Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) said that the videos have been “extremely troubling” and something that “ought to be looked at.”

“There are laws against sale of fetal tissue,” said Kaine. “You have my commitment that it will be gotten to the bottom of.”

There has even been a letter with the signatures of 50 senators, including Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), sent to the Secretary of Health and Human Services that echoes Hillary's "disturbing" sentiments.

“We are deeply disturbed by recent footage released by the Center for Medical Progress depicting senior Planned Parenthood Federation of America executives discussing in graphic detail the organization’s practice of harvesting the organs of unborn babies.  The footage raises a number of questions about the practices of the organization, including whether they are in compliance with federal laws regulating both the use of fetal tissue and partial-birth abortions.”