It seems Hillary Clinton has had some trouble accepting election results herself.
According to a report from Newsweek, in 2002, then-senator Clinton was speaking at a private fundraiser in Los Angeles when she told the crowd that President George W. Bush was “selected” president, not “elected.”
Yes, Clinton, who has called Donald Trump’s claim that he may not accept the general election results in November “horrifying,” didn’t accept the results from the 2000 election even two years after.
But that’s not all. In August of 2009, Clinton was reportedly giving a speech in Nigeria on the topic of good governance and transparency, when she again seemed to imply former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush threw the election to his brother.
“Now, our democracy is still evolving,” Clinton said. “We had all kinds of problems in some of our past elections, as you might remember. In 2000, our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of the man running for president was the governor of the state, so I mean, we have our problems too. But we have been moving to try to remedy those problems as we see them.”
That was in 2009, a year after George W. Bush had already left office.
But wait, there’s more!
As early as last week during a campaign stop, Clinton allegedly told George W. Bush’s opponent, former Vice President Al Gore, that he in fact did win the election.
She said, “Actually you did win, it just wasn’t close enough to make sure that the votes were counted.”
Sixteen years after the 2000 election, and right before Bush’s successor is getting ready to leave office himself.
So when you hear Clinton going after Trump for his statements, maybe she needs to take a hard look in the mirror herself if she truly does find these things “horrifying.”
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