Have You Ever Wondered What a $17.5M Underground Bunker Looks Like?

Ben Graham | November 25, 2015

Ever had the desire to own an underground bunker that could shelter you and yours from total nuclear annihilation? Well, if you live in Georgia and have $17.5 million, you could be one of the few Americans who are very, very prepared for the apocalypse.

The bunker was built in 1969 with the capability to withstand a 20 kiloton nuclear blast - the yield of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. Its walls are three feet of hardened concrete fortified by a spring system to help deflect the force of a blast. Its interior systems have been fully renovated to current government standards.

This juggernaut of a complex comes with four luxury apartments, a home theatre, and decontamination showers - among other things.

It all seems superfluous because we’re blessed to live in a country that makes us feel relatively safe in our daily lives. But the fear of living in a post-nuclear wasteland is probably the best reason for a man of means to say “better safe than sorry.”

See the listing, equipped with a slideshow of pictures, at this link.