Groundhogs Disagree on Arrival of Spring

danjoseph | February 2, 2015

There is a deep divide in the world of groundhog weather prognostication this morning.

Earlier in the day, the world's most famous meteorological groundhog, "Punxsutawney Phil," saw his shadow in Pennsylvania, meaning that we are in for six more weeks of miserable cold and snow.

However, a lesser known groundhog named "Dunkirk Dave" in New York failed to see his shadow and is predicting an early spring.  "Dave" claims to be the "Worlds Second Longest Prognosticating Groundhog," but he and Phil are certainly not the only groundhogs who are in the weatherman business.  

Here are how some of the other groundhogs across North America saw the outlook for the next six weeks:

  • Chattanooga Chuck (Tennessee) predicts six more weeks of winter. 
  • Malverne Mel (New York) predicts six more weeks of winter. 
  • Buckeye Chuck (Ohio) predicts an early spring. 
  • Dunkirk Dave (New York) predicts an early spring. 
  • Jimmy the Groundhog (Wisconsin) predicts an early spring. (Although his decision is apparently being disputed by some in the community. 
  • Wiarton Willie (Ontario) predicts an early spring.
  • Shubenacadie Sam (Nova Scotia) predicts six more weeks of winter. 

Apparently "Holtsville Hal," of Holtsville, New York, had to cancel his appearance due to severe weather. That non-prediction probably speaks for itself, huh?

Which Groundhog has got it right is yet to be seen. But despite the disagreements among the rodents, they can all be thankful that the old Groundhog Day tradition of eating the groundhog is no longer practiced.