GOP Hopefuls Should Connect Obama to Occupy Wall Street

danjoseph | November 21, 2011

In the ongoing roller coaster ride that is the battle for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, there has been surprisingly little mention of the increasingly violent Occupy Wall Street movement.

This is strange, since the entire pary is basically unified in its view that OWS is essentially a radical socialist movement that would be dangerous if it weren't so incompetant. 

But more than that, Barack Obama himself came out early and endorsed the movement.  Now that it's rapidly losing support from the American people who clearly see it's tendency for outlandish behavior, it would seem to be a no-brainer to begin mentioning OWS and President Obama in the same sentence whenever the opportunity is available.  Newt takes a swipe at OWS in this clip, but doesn't go nearly far enough.

Not only would this unify the base but it would also make sure that independents remember who encouraged the movement--now famous for rape and "fecal bombs" among other things--when election time rolls around.

Occupy Wall Street is a political goldmine for Republicans.  Whoever leads the charge in terms of connecting it directly to the Democratic Party could gain some serious traction.