Google's New Humanoid Robot Is 330 Lbs., 6' 2" - and Straight Out of a Sci-Fi Movie

anthony.christopher | August 19, 2015

Boston Dynamics, a firm owned by Google, recently unveiled a video of their latest humanoid robot, "Atlas," that can walk, run, climb, and even scramble over rocks better than most humans. 

"Our focus is on balance and dynamics - working a little bit the way people and animals do, where you move quickly in order to keep yourself stabilised,"  said Boston Dynamics' Founder Marc Raibert.

Robots like Atlas could potentially be useful for cleaning up hazardous wastes and other tasks deemed unsafe for humans. 

Or, could they be fueling a robot apocalypse to kill all of mankind? Luckily, Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk have donated over $10 million dollars to help avoid that fate

Welcome to the 21st century.